Bookshelf 11-02-93 on BookOpen begin global Tn put 1 into Tn set the border of the requesters to 2 set the thickness of the requesters to 2 set the pen of the requesters to 4 New... Open... Make Copy... Streamline... Preferences... Workbench Help... About... Quit... Paste Clear Select All Cut Page Copy Page Colors Load... Save... Restore Colors Default Colors Brush Colors Image Colors Last Color Font Cycle Grid... Stop Sound Show All Unlock All Edit Form Share Next Page Previous Page First Page Last Page Backward Forward Last Book Browse... Autobrowse... Bookshelf New Page Delete Page New Form Load Form... Save Form... Image Load... Save... Capture... Clipboard Paste Spare Swap Frames Copy to Spare Merge in Front Merge in Back Delete Spare Frame Previous Delete Copy to All Color Remap Transparency Paper <-> Pen Paper -> Pen Count Vertical Horizontal Info... Brush Load... Save... Restore Clipboard Paste Color Remap Transparency Paper <-> Pen Paper -> Pen Center Corner Any Point Any Size Halve Double Halve Width Halve Height Double Width Double Height To PAL To NTSC Vertical Horizontal Shear Vertical Horizontal Rotate Any Angle Paint Matte Color Replace Smear Dissolve Spare Cycle Cycle 2 Gradient Gradient 2 Smudge Chaos Count Custom Dither Edges Object Load... Save... Bring to Front Send to Back Bring Closer Send Farther Group Ungroup Duplicate... Align... Info... Actions... Script... Load... Save... Plain Underline Italic Shadow Font... Spacing... Hypertext Actions... Script... Tools Coordinates Title Bar Palette Colors Patterns Paint Tools Paint Types Histogram Magnifier Messages Draw Tools Layers Pages Author Book... Form... Page... Display... Narrator... Hypertext... Resources... Effect... Effect Area Book23 topaz.font \sBook23 Utility Books fonts:Book23 ram:NewBookshelf work:helm/Bookshelf Press the Help key and... CUse this bookshelf to go to other books. It consists of one or more Ipages of buttons that correspond to other Helm books. When you click on a Dbook name, Helm will close the bookshelf and open the selected book. ?The large buttons are available on every page of the bookshelf: Categories - Displays a popup menu of book categories you can view - Alphabetically sorts the book entries - Displays this information you are now reading New Book - Opens a file requester for creating an entirely new book Open Book - Goes to a book that you select from a file selector Quit Helm - Closes the Bookshelf and shuts down Helm Last Book - Goes to the last book you viewed - Show link fields connecting the bookshelf to other books Previous Page - Goes to the previous page of book listings Next Page - Goes to the next page of book listings JTo enter new books into the bookshelf, press the Link button on the right. FSmall buttons will appear over the book buttons. Click on one of these @buttons to change the book linked to the button below it. A file Frequester will appear where you can select the new book. The bookshelf Gwill place the name of the book into the big button and the entire file Dpath into the small button. Press the Link button again and when you (the number of lines of textfield "M") Tn = 1 put line Tn of textfield "M" into textfield "T" Ron Help begin play notes "cx d e" blackboard "Today's date" color 0 pen 6 cx d e Today's date 0on Help { HelpBook() } on SelectUp { GoBook() } HelpBook GoBook 0on Help { HelpBook() } on SelectUp { GoBook() } HelpBook GoBook 0on Help { HelpBook() } on SelectUp { GoBook() } HelpBook GoBook 0on Help { HelpBook() } on SelectUp { GoBook() } HelpBook GoBook 0on Help { HelpBook() } on SelectUp { GoBook() } HelpBook GoBook 0on Help { HelpBook() } on SelectUp { GoBook() } HelpBook GoBook 0on Help { HelpBook() } on SelectUp { GoBook() } HelpBook GoBook 0on Help { HelpBook() } on SelectUp { GoBook() } HelpBook GoBook 0on Help { HelpBook() } on SelectUp { GoBook() } HelpBook GoBook 0on Help { HelpBook() } on SelectUp { GoBook() } HelpBook GoBook 0on Help { HelpBook() } on SelectUp { GoBook() } HelpBook GoBook 0on Help { HelpBook() } on SelectUp { GoBook() } HelpBook GoBook 0on Help { HelpBook() } on SelectUp { GoBook() } HelpBook GoBook 0on Help { HelpBook() } on SelectUp { GoBook() } HelpBook GoBook 0on Help { HelpBook() } on SelectUp { GoBook() } HelpBook GoBook 0on Help { HelpBook() } on SelectUp { GoBook() } HelpBook GoBook 0on Help { HelpBook() } on SelectUp { GoBook() } HelpBook GoBook 0on Help { HelpBook() } on SelectUp { GoBook() } HelpBook GoBook 0on Help { HelpBook() } on SelectUp { GoBook() } HelpBook GoBook 0on Help { HelpBook() } on SelectUp { GoBook() } HelpBook GoBook on Help begin play notes "cx d e" blackboard "Enter a category name\n" & "for a group of books\n" & "into this textfield." color 0 pen 6 cx d e Enter a category name for a group of books into this textfield. aon Help begin play notes "cx d e" blackboard "The current time of the day" color 0 pen 6 cx d e The current time of the day {on Help begin play notes "cx d e" blackboard "To change the messages that\n" & "are displayed at this location,\n" & "select \"Show All\" from the Edit\n" & "menu and type into the big red\n" & "textfield. You can enter any\n" & "number of lines into this field." color 0 pen 6 cx d e To change the messages that are displayed at this location, select "Show All" from the Edit menu and type into the big red textfield. You can enter any number of lines into this field. on Help begin play notes "cx d e" blackboard "The number of the page\n" & "you are currently viewing\n" & "and the total number of\n" & "pages in the bookshelf." color 0 pen 6 cx d e The number of the page you are currently viewing and the total number of pages in the bookshelf. on Help begin play notes "cx d e" blackboard "Press this button to see\n" & "a list of book categories.\n" & "To go to another category,\n" & "position the mouse over the\n" & "name and release the button." color 0 pen 6 on SelectDown begin if (the number of pages) > 12 popup pagenames(1, 9999) else popup the pagenames(1, 9999) fontname "\sbook23" fontsize 23 if it is not empty go to page it cx d e Press this button to see a list of book categories. To go to another category, position the mouse over the name and release the button. \sbook23 hon Help begin play notes "cx d e" blackboard "Press this button to sort\n" & "the book entries on this page\n" & "into alphabetical order." color 0 pen 6 on SelectUp begin set pointer to 6 put ((the number of textfield "LastPrivateField") + 19) into firstprivatenumber put ((the number of textfield "LastPublicField") + 19) into firstpublicnumber put 0 into total put "" into messagefield for i = 0 to 19 begin get firstprivatenumber - i if (the number of characters of textfield it of this form) > 0 begin if total = 0 begin put textfield it of this form into private put textfield (firstpublicnumber - i) of this form into public put private into messagefield begin put newline & (textfield it of this form) after private put newline & (textfield (firstpublicnumber - i) of this form) after public add 1 to total end put an array of (total + 1) integers into pointers if total > 0 begin for i = 1 to total put i into pointers[i] for j = 2 to total begin get line j of public i = j - 1 while ((i > 0) and ((line pointers[i] of public) > it)) begin put pointers[i] into pointers[i + 1] subtract 1 from i put j into pointers[i + 1] for i = 1 to 20 begin if (i > total) begin put empty into textfield (firstprivatenumber - i + 1) of this form put empty into textfield (firstpublicnumber - i + 1) of this form begin put line pointers[i] of public into textfield (firstpublicnumber - i + 1) of this form put line pointers[i] of private into textfield (firstprivatenumber - i + 1) of this form end set pointer to 0 cx d e Press this button to sort the book entries on this page into alphabetical order. LastPrivateField LastPublicField on Help begin play notes "cx d e" blackboard "Press this button to see\n" & "information about using and\n" & "customizing this bookshelf." color 0 pen 6 on SelectUp begin set the pointer to 6 lock display lock output set the visibility of layer "Help" to TRUE set the lock of layer "F1" to TRUE unlock the output overwrite play notes "a3x g f e d c" unlock display with wipe down area 9, 58, 636, 396 set the pointer to 0 cx d e Press this button to see information about using and customizing this bookshelf. a3x g f e d c on Help begin play notes "cx d e" blackboard "Press this button to\n" & "create a new book." color 0 pen 6 cx d e Press this button to create a new book. on Help begin play notes "cx d e" blackboard "Press this button to open\n" & "a new book. A file requester\n" & "will appear for selecting\n" & "the book to open." color 0 pen 6 cx d e Press this button to open a new book. A file requester will appear for selecting the book to open. hon Help begin play notes "cx d e" blackboard "Press this button\nto quit Helm." color 0 pen 6 cx d e Press this button to quit Helm. on Help begin play notes "cx d e" blackboard "Press this button to return\n" & "to the last book you viewed." color 0 pen 6 cx d e Press this button to return to the last book you viewed. on Help begin play notes "cx d e" blackboard "Press this button to display\n" & "links to book files. You can\n" & "edit these links by pressing\n" & "on them with the pointer." color 0 pen 6 on SelectUp begin set the pointer to 6 lock the display get the visibility of layer "Link" if it is false begin set the visibility of layer "Link" to true play notes "a5x g f e d c" unlock the display with wipe down area 9, 58, 636, 396 end else begin set the visibility of layer "Link" to false play notes "c5x d e f g" unlock the display with wipe up area 9, 58, 636, 396 end set the pointer to 0 cx d e Press this button to display links to book files. You can edit these links by pressing on them with the pointer. a5x g f e d c c5x d e f g on Help begin play notes "cx d e" blackboard "Press this button to go\n" & "to the previous page of books." color 0 pen 6 cx d e Press this button to go to the previous page of books. on Help begin play notes "cx d e" blackboard "Press this button to go\n" & "to the next page of books." color 0 pen 6 on SelectUp begin get the number of pages if it > 1 then go to next page else answer "THERE ARE NO OTHER PAGES OF BUTTONS. \n\n" & "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n" & "To add a page, choose 'New Page' from\n" & "the 'Go' menu; copy and paste buttons\n" & "from another page to the new page; \n" & "then change the button names and GO \n" & "TO actions to link the Bookshelf to \n" & "more books on your system. \n" cx d e Press this button to go to the next page of books. 5G`&PS THERE ARE NO OTHER PAGES OF BUTTONS. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To add a page, choose 'New Page' from the 'Go' menu; copy and paste buttons from another page to the new page; then change the button names and GO TO actions to link the Bookshelf to more books on your system. 3on Help { HelpPath() } on SelectUp { ResetPath() } HelpPath ResetPath 3on Help { HelpPath() } on SelectUp { ResetPath() } HelpPath ResetPath 3on Help { HelpPath() } on SelectUp { ResetPath() } HelpPath ResetPath 3on Help { HelpPath() } on SelectUp { ResetPath() } HelpPath ResetPath 3on Help { HelpPath() } on SelectUp { ResetPath() } HelpPath ResetPath 3on Help { HelpPath() } on SelectUp { ResetPath() } HelpPath ResetPath 3on Help { HelpPath() } on SelectUp { ResetPath() } HelpPath ResetPath 3on Help { HelpPath() } on SelectUp { ResetPath() } HelpPath ResetPath 3on Help { HelpPath() } on SelectUp { ResetPath() } HelpPath ResetPath 3on Help { HelpPath() } on SelectUp { ResetPath() } HelpPath ResetPath 3on Help { HelpPath() } on SelectUp { ResetPath() } HelpPath ResetPath 3on Help { HelpPath() } on SelectUp { ResetPath() } HelpPath ResetPath 3on Help { HelpPath() } on SelectUp { ResetPath() } HelpPath ResetPath 3on Help { HelpPath() } on SelectUp { ResetPath() } HelpPath ResetPath 3on Help { HelpPath() } on SelectUp { ResetPath() } HelpPath ResetPath 3on Help { HelpPath() } on SelectUp { ResetPath() } HelpPath ResetPath 3on Help { HelpPath() } on SelectUp { ResetPath() } HelpPath ResetPath 3on Help { HelpPath() } on SelectUp { ResetPath() } HelpPath ResetPath 3on Help { HelpPath() } on SelectUp { ResetPath() } HelpPath ResetPath 3on Help { HelpPath() } on SelectUp { ResetPath() } HelpPath ResetPath on Help begin blackboard "This textfield contains\n" & "information about using\n" & "and configuring the bookshelf" color 0 pen 6 This textfield contains information about using and configuring the bookshelf lon Help begin blackboard "Press this button to hide\nthis page of information" color 0 pen 6 on SelectUp begin set the pointer to 6 lock display set the visibility of layer "Help" to False set the lock of layer "F1" to FALSE play notes "c3x d e f g a" unlock the display with wipe up area 9, 58, 631, 396 set the pointer to 0 Press this button to hide this page of information c3x d e f g a on preopen begin global Tn if Tn = 0 begin put line 1 of textfield "M" into textfield "T" end on pageclose begin if the name of this page != textfield id 135 set the name of this page to textfield id 135 ResetPath begin getfile me if it is not empty begin lock output put it into me put (the number of me - (the number of textfield "LastPrivateField") + (the number of textfield "LastPublicField")) into n put space & strfile of it into textfield n of this form unlock output end GoBook begin get (textfield (the number of me - (the number of textfield "LastPublicField") + (the number of textfield "LastPrivateField")) of this form) if the number of characters of it > 0 go book it else begin play notes "a1W" end HelpBook begin play notes "cx d e d c" if the number of characters of me > 0 blackboard "Press this button to\ngo to" & me color 0 pen 6 else blackboard "No book is linked to this button" color 0 pen 6 HelpPath begin play notes "cx d e" blackboard "Press this button to open a file selector.\n" & "If you select a file path, the path is\n" & "inserted into this button and the name of\n" & "the file is inserted into the larger button\n" & "below this button. When you click on the\n" & "larger button, Helm will close the bookshelf\n" & "and use the file path to open the book." color 0 pen 6 HelpPath HelpBook GoBook ResetPath WhLastPrivateField LastPublicField n vPPPS `&5|~?